Are you thinking of having an IVF (in-vitro fertilization) procedure? IVF or in-vitro fertilization can be the answer to couples trying so hard to conceive but have failed other methods. IVF is the procedure where the egg cell is fertilized by sperm outside the woman’s body, and it is considered the option for couples with issues such as advanced reproductive age, the presence of problems in the reproductive system (blocked fallopian tubes or endometriosis), or infertility.
Many people have plenty of misconceptions on IVF. You might think that IVF is just a method of putting an egg and sperm into a test tube. The fertilization actually takes place in a petri dish. The whole process of IVF is complicated and requires several visits to the clinic. Even those who have tried IVF cannot help but get confused with all the procedures and medical terms.
The success rate is the most pressing concern to every couple having IVF. You may not also know it, but a live birth is the goal and measure of success for IVF, not the resulting pregnancy. There are several steps or milestones to overcome before this can happen. You will have to work with your doctor to accomplish the needed steps for a successful outcome.
What is IVF Predictor Tool?
The IVF predictor tool is as its name implies. It predicts the chances of live birth with IVF. It was based on data from more than 144,000 IVF treatments. Also, it takes into account important medical information such as the woman’s age, how long she’s been trying to conceive, use of her own eggs or donor’s eggs, history of pregnancies or previous IVF treatments, and drugs used during the procedure.
With the use of IVF predictor tool, there is now a way patients can better visualize their chances of successful IVF outcomes. There is no need for couples to learn complex equations or medical terms to use it. IVF predictor tool can be found online (
http://www.ivfpredict.com) and is available as a smartphone app so anyone who is looking or considering IVF can use it.
You may think that IVF Predictor Tool is baloney. Unlike horoscopes, the accuracy IVF Predictor Tool is high, and a study regarding its usefulness is published in the prestigious medical publication PLOS Medicine.
IVF is complicated and emotionally exhausting, and couples having it have to endure moments of doubt and emotional discomfort. Dr. Chen (IVF Specialist) and Dr. Kamal (Embryologist) finds IVF Predictor Tool useful in easing the stress couples face through accurate results that they can understand at the personal level. As results are based on patient’s medical history, both the health provider and the patient can use the tool to identify areas for improvement to improve the chance of success.
Can I improve odds of success in IVF?
Yes. You can still do certain actions to modify certain factors to improve odds of a live birth with IVF.
Do you know why acupuncture is popular in IVF clinics? There is some evidence that acupuncture may improve outcomes of IVF . Acupuncture may be useful in improving odds of successful ovulation. Aside from possibly alleviating stress and improving blood flow in the reproductive structures, acupuncture may have some benefits on IVF procedures that used donor eggs. Ask your doctor if you can avail acupuncture as part of IVF procedure.
It is long known that Western diet (defined as high intake of fats, sugar, and sodium ) can be bad for fertility . Therefore, you may improve odds of success in IVF by eating more fresh vegetables and fruits and reducing intake of processed food and fast food to control salt and sugar intake.
Although it is not yet clear if tobacco or cigarette smoke has negative effects on IVF outcomes, you should avoid them altogether. Tobacco is bad for male fertility and has negative effects on the functioning of ovaries .
We understand that IVF is stressful, but there is good evidence that controlling stress may improve outcomes . Stress can adversely affect semen quality, which is important in IVF . Some effective methods of dealing with stress include keeping a positive attitude, having a healthy lifestyle (adequate exercise and healthy diet), open communication with your health providers, and identifying close family or friends that will give you support.

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