How to clean your tongue properly (and avoid bad breath!)

(Credits) You brush religiously, twice a day. You floss. You even use mouthwash. Why is it that you still can’t get rid of your bad breath? If you’re having trouble getting rid of your bad breath, adding one last step into your oral care regime might just help you eliminate it once and for all. From today onward, make sure you clean your tongue! Locate a mirror, and stick your tongue out to have a good look at it. Is part of your tongue white (instead of pink)? If so, this is a sign that food debris, bacteria and dead cells are lodged between inflamed papillae (the small nodules that occupy the surface of your tongue). This isn’t a rare phenomenon - in fact, many factors such as being overly dehydrated, having a fever, or consuming too much alcohol all lead to White Tongue. But you’ll definitely need to rectify this problem so that you’ll stop having bad breath, plus avoid the more serious conditions that may develop! How to clean your tongue with a toothbrush If you’re using a toothbrush with a tongue-cleaner on the back of the head, go ahead and use this portion to clean your tongue. Otherwise, you may also use the bristles of your toothbrush, and just brush your tongue like how you’d do with your teeth. Do this twice a day, after you’ve brushed your teeth. clean your tongue (Credits) How to clean your tongue using a tongue scraper If using the back of your toothbrush isn’t cutting it, and you’re still facing problems with bad breath, try using a tongue scraper instead. You can scrape your tongue either before or after brushing your teeth. Before using your tongue scraper, sterilize it with hot water. Starting from the innermost part of your tongue (near the back of your throat), gently press the scraper down and push it towards the tip of your tongue. This will peel the debris off from the tongue; be sure not to apply too much force so that your tongue doesn’t feel sore or worse, start to bleed. What to look for when buying a tongue scraper There are both metal and plastic-based tongue scrapers available in the market. For sterilization purposes, we recommend getting metal tongue scrapers which can safely come into contact with hot water. clean your tongueDepending on the specific tongue scraper that you purchase, it may be necessary to change your tongue scraper every three months. If you’re looking for something that’s of higher quality and will last a few years, go for Dr Tung’s Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper. The name says it all - because this tongue scraper is made with high-grade stainless steel, it’s impervious to bacteria, and more comfortable and gentle on the tongue. This tongue scraper also comes with soft, comfort-grip handles which are adjustable.