Protein powder: why it's not just for people who gym 24/7
Think of protein powder, and you’ll probably think of men chugging their protein shakes in the gym. Somehow, we’ve come to associate protein powder with a certain stereotype; this person is often male, spends most of his time at the gym, and is devoted to bulking up as much - and as quickly - as possible.
But is protein powder only for men who want to look like, say, Captain America or Iron Man? Nope. Protein powder is actually a great supplement for everyone who works out, regardless of your gender, and the specific type of workout you prefer.
The premise behind protein powder is simple. It’s a quick and easy way to supplement your diet, and provide your body with all the protein it needs to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, and promote muscle growth.
How should I use protein powder to supplement other sources of protein?
According to experts, we should consume 65 to 75 grams of protein per day - more if you have an active lifestyle, and less if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
Sure, you can try and get all your protein through natural sources, but bear in mind that a 250 gram steak only gives you approximately 60 grams of protein (also: it’s quite a hassle to cook protein-rich meals every single day). A much more convenient option is to supplement your meals with protein shakes, which are quick and easy to prepare.
Protein shakes can be taken by anyone who exercises on a regular basis. Regardless of whether you’re a yogi, a martial artist, or a pole dancer, you’ll benefit from adding protein powder to your diet as long as you consistently maintain an active lifestyle.
What happens if I consume too much protein powder?
Although protein shakes are a lot more convenient to prepare than protein-dense meals, you should not be getting all your protein from protein powder, and protein powder alone.
Why so? Protein shakes are produced with isolated nutrients (not whole foods), and replacing entire meals with these shakes will result in you missing out on valuable nutrients. You won’t be able to get your phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber and other protective substances from your protein shakes - so take these in moderation.
Do also bear in mind that if you consume too much protein for an extended period of time, you’ll strain your kidney, which may potentially result in kidney stones, osteoporosis, or even kidney disease.
What should I look out for when buying protein powder?
There are tons of different protein powders available on the market; as of late, we’re seeing many all-natural blends which are organic, vegan, and sugar free.
If you’re looking to maintain a healthy weight with your workouts, this sugar-free RAW Slim & Tone Protein is a great option. This Cacao & Macadamia protein powder is specifically formulated to assist with weight management by combining a sprouted and bio-fermented protein base with nourishing trace minerals, nutrient-dense herbs, thermogenic spices and alkalising greens.
Alternatively, if you’re looking for something to help you “level up” with your workouts, and increase your performance, go for the RAW Workout which incorporates electrolytes in its blend in order to support energy, stamina and hydration. With a powerful combination of superfoods, concentrated sea minerals, isotonic coconut water, ancient seeds and traditional herbs, this protein powder blend will provide a natural and steady flow of energy, and support a highly active lifestyle.