6 ways to reduce your carbon footprint in 2018

carbon footprint (Credits) After the recent (and unprecedented!) spate of cold weather that we’ve had in Singapore, even the naysayers will have to come to terms with the fact that global warming is very real. Want to do your part, and reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible? Read on to find out how you can do just that! #1: Stop driving Yes, the MRT’s notoriously unreliable nowadays, but there are still other ways of getting around. Instead of driving, try walking, taking the bus, using a ride-sharing service such as Mobike, or even carpooling using GrabShare or UberPool. #2: Use solar energy If you’re staying in a landed property, you can install solar panels on your roof, and generate energy that way. HDB-dwellers can get in on the action too: simply purchase this A4-sized Solar Panel, and you’ll be able to generate 40 watt hours of energy per day (that’s enough to power an iPhone for two full charges!) #3: Start recycling and reusing Obviously recycling and reusing are great ways to reduce your carbon footprint, but with events such as the Singapore Really Really Free Market (SRRFM) and platforms such as Swapaholic, it’s easier than ever to give your pre-loved items a new lease of life. carbon footprint (Credits) #4: Compost your food waste Instead of throwing away your food scraps such as fruit peels and discarded vegetable parts, compost them instead! With composting, you need to get the balance of carbon, nitrogen, and moisture just right, and there’s a bit of a learning curve. But you’ll be doing your part to reduce waste, and you’ll get some nutrient-rich fertiliser out of it. #5: Buy local food carbon footprint (Credits) As much as possible, purchase foods which are in season, and grown locally. This will drastically reduce the carbon emissions from the vehicles used to transport your produce from whichever country it originates from. Psst: here’s where you can buy locally grown vegetables in Singapore! #6: Cut down on using plastic bags It doesn’t take two seconds to grab your reusable bag before you head out - so do that, instead of getting those plastic bags from the supermarket! In particular, we love these Reusable Produce Bags from Ever Eco - they’re made with a lightweight yet super strong transparent mesh fabric which allows you to rinse your produce in the bag, and pop them straight into the fridge. Click on the link below to learn more!